K&K'S Kritter Korner

Freshwater Fish

The Kritter Korner is proud to announce that we have a new fish supplier.  We are currently getting more tanks ready to meet our customers needs.  For the best quality fish and best prices and visit us soon.

Parrot Fish

This is a tank of parrot fish.  These are very colorful.  They come and greet you at the top of the tank when you walk by, or come to the front of the aquarium to watch you.



45 gallon freshwater aquarium

In this tank we keep some of our larger fish for sale. It has large kissing ghroumis, flagfish, kerri purple tetras, congo rainbows, and large plecos.

It is very relaxing to set and watch your fish in their aquarium.  It helps relief a stressful day and gives you much enjoyment.